I need to calculate the day number of a given date. The year has 366 days in it. Each month however has a different value and I have to assign the values. Is there a quicker way to do it rather than the way I am going about it?
using namespace std;
int main()
int day, month, year, dayNumber;
cout<< "Please enter the month, by numerical value:";
cin>> month;
cout<<"Please enter the day, by numerical value:";
cin>> day;
cout<<"Please enter the year, by numerical value:";
cin>> year;
if (month == 1)
dayNumber= day;
cout<< "Month;" << '\t'<< month << '\n'
<< "Day:"<<'\t'<< day<< '\n'
<< "Year:"<<'\t'<< year<<'\n'
<< "Day Number:"<< '\t'<< dayNumber<< endl;
else if(month==2)
dayNumber= day+31;
In many ways it is probably best to avoid hand-rolling this.
Use boost:
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>
try {
boost::gregorian::date d(year, month, day);
dayNumber = d.day_of_year();
catch (std::out_of_range& e) {
// Alternatively catch bad_year etc exceptions.
std::cout << "Bad date: " << e.what() << std::endl;
As James Kanze suggests you could also use mktime to avoid dependency on boost (untested):
tm timeinfo = {};
timeinfo.tm_year = year - 1900;
timeinfo.tm_mon = month - 1;
timeinfo.tm_mday = day;
dayNumber = timeinfo.tm_yday;