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How do I link GLFW

I am trying to link GLFW to my C program.

The docs seem to suggest #include<GLFW/glfw3.h> however I have installed 2.7.2 (from my distro's repository) and don't have that header file:

find / -name *glfw* 2> /dev/null

I tried #include<GL/glfw.h> but I still get undefined reference to 'glfwLoadTexture2D'

How do I link to GLFW and use glfwLoadTexture2D()?


  • An #include does nothing for the linker; it just brings in declarations, not the actual functions.

    The documentation indicates that GLFW uses pkg-config (not surprising; @elmindreda knows her stuff), so your compilation line should be something like:

    $ cc `pkg-config --cflags glfw3` -o foo foo.c `pkg-config --static --libs glfw3`

    Also note that since the library uses pkg-config, you're not supposed to "care" about details such as where the header and library files are located on your particular installation. Just ask using the --cflags and --libs modes, and you will get the proper locations returned, as the example above indicates.