I have used crmservicetuil.exe that comes with CRM SDK many a times before for online instance of CRM 2011.
It did work for the plugins and the integration tool for the online instance of CRM that i developed for our client,that is until about a month and a half back (that is when we last deployed our solution).
However I cant figure out what changed on their system, am trying to generate the early bound entity class using the following command(the same which i used earlier and it worked fine)
CrmSvcUtil.exe /url:https://<ORGNAME>.api.crm.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc /out:Xrm.cs /username:[email protected] /password:myP@ssword /namespace:Xrm /serviceContextName:XrmServiceContext
but there is an error thrown that says, exiting the program with exception: The parameter is incorrect. What could have possibly changed to cause this error? Am still having the login permissions and am able to navigate to the https://.api.crm.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc when given the same id and password.
there is only one difference though(may or may not be useful):The last time I used the command, i used my non live id (office-365). Removed the license for that user and added a new one with an outlook(live) id about 2 weeks back.
Thanks for all your help.
See this posts: Run the Code Generation Tool or CrmSvcUtil.exe: to use Live Id you need to generate and add Device Id and Device Password to yours command string.