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rest api to get the list of all the users and teams to which a record is shared in ms dynamics

I want to see the list of users and teams to which a record is shared. I only want to see the list of users and teams that are given access to a record through the share button and not through the security role.

I am aware of the RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest function. But, I don't want to write a plugin or create a custom action.

My question is how can I use the 'RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest' function as a REST API?


  • The PrincipalAccessObject table holds the sharing data and you can query it.

    E.g. by using FetchXml:

      <entity name='principalobjectaccess'>
        <attribute name='objectid' />
        <attribute name='objecttypecode' />
        <attribute name='accessrightsmask' />
        <link-entity name='systemuser' to='principalid' from='systemuserid' alias='u' link-type='outer'>
          <attribute name='systemuserid' />
          <attribute name='fullname' alias='user' />
        <link-entity name='team' to='principalid' from='teamid' alias='t' link-type='outer'>
          <attribute name='teamid' />
          <attribute name='name' alias='team' />
          <condition attribute='objectid' operator='eq' value='{OBJECT-ID}' />

    The access rights mask is a flag enum. Documentation on it can be found on MS Learn.