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getting a user's business unit on the basis of email address MS Dynamics

I have been able to get the currently logged-in user's business unit value on the basis of the system user id. I want to get the same business unit value but, on the basis of the "internalemailaddress" or simply the user's email address.

Till now, I have been able to get the current user's email address. But, don't know how to get the business unit value on the basis of it.

Is it possible to retrieve a user's business unit on the basis of the email address of the user?


  • You will need to fecth systemuser based on your internal email or user's email and then you will have to fetch businses unit based of systemuser found.

       <fetch top="50">
      <entity name="systemuser">
        <attribute name="internalemailaddress" />
        <attribute name="systemuserid" />
        <attribute name="fullname" />
          <condition attribute="internalemailaddress" operator="eq" value="[email protected]" />
        <link-entity name="businessunit" from="businessunitid" to="businessunitid" link-type="inner">
          <attribute name="name" />
          <attribute name="businessunitid" />

    Query expression

    // Define Condition Values
    var query_internalemailaddress = "[email protected]";
    // Instantiate QueryExpression query
    var query = new QueryExpression("systemuser");
    query.TopCount = 50;
    // Add columns to query.ColumnSet
    query.ColumnSet.AddColumns("internalemailaddress", "systemuserid", "fullname");
    // Define filter query.Criteria
    query.Criteria.AddCondition("internalemailaddress", ConditionOperator.Equal, query_internalemailaddress);
    // Add link-entity query_businessunit
    var query_businessunit = query.AddLink("businessunit", "businessunitid", "businessunitid");
    // Add columns to query_businessunit.Columns
    query_businessunit.Columns.AddColumns("name", "businessunitid");

    OData Query$select=internalemailaddress,systemuserid,fullname&$expand=businessunitid($select=name,businessunitid)&$filter=(internalemailaddress eq '') and (businessunitid/businessunitid ne null)&$top=50

    SQL Query

    SELECT TOP 50 internalemailaddress, systemuserid, fullname,, businessunit.businessunitid
    FROM systemuser
    JOIN businessunit businessunit ON businessunit.businessunitid = systemuser.businessunitid
    WHERE internalemailaddress = '[email protected]'