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How do you use maps created by the edn reader in clojurescript?

This prints :bar in Clojure as I would expect:

(println (:foo ( "{:foo :bar}")))
;=> :bar

But this prints nil in ClojureScript:

(println (:foo (cljs.reader/read-string "{:foo :bar}")))
;=> nil

To make things stranger, this prints :bar in ClojureScript as I would expect:

(let [data (cljs.reader/read-string "{:foo :bar}")]
  (println ((first (keys data)) data )))
;=> :bar

How do I access a value in a map that was created by the reader? Is this a character encoding thing?


Here's the namespace as requested in the comments:

(ns clojuresite.homepage
  (:require-macros [hiccups.core :as hiccups])
  (:require [hiccups.runtime :as hiccupsrt]
            [cljs.nodejs :as node]
            [cljs.reader :as reader]))


  • Try this:

    (.log js/console
      ((keyword "foo") (cljs.reader/read-string "{:foo :bar}")))

    If that works, and generates ﷐:bar, you have old generated code hanging around and you should run a lein cljsbuild clean.

    There was a change in 0.0-1877 that switched keywords, in the generated javascript, from ﷐:foo to cljs.core.Keyword.