I'm putting together an image handler in Imagick - I've looked at the pseudoimage class:
$test->newPseudoImage($width, $height, $pseudostring);
However I can't find a breakdown of what pseudostring can contain - does anyone know a good one?
and I'm making use of setOption:
$text->setOption('fill', $fontColour[$_POST['fontColour']]);
but I can't find a clear explanation of how this maps to (I assume) Image Magick's own variables.
I have searched here and Google, all I need is a clear breakdown - can anyone point me to one?
ImageMagick's pseudo format can be defined as "format:[argument]". Each format will have it's own unique effects/behavior, and cover a range of image properties (e.g. label:"Hello World!") to specific OS actions (e.g. **x:***root*). There are also built-in images that can be accessed through the pseudo format.
$img = new ImageMagick();
$img->newPseudoImage(75,50,'label:"Hello World!"');
$img = new ImageMagick();
sets a key / value options directly on the C-API Wand library (see MagickSetOption). Set option in Wand would translate to the -define argument in ImageMagick script's command-line-options.
... I can't find a clear explanation of how this maps to (I assume) Image Magick's own variables. I have searched here and Google, all I need is a clear breakdown - can anyone point me to one?
For the most part, ImageMagick ships with detailed documentation, manuals, and examples. Although such articles can be found online, you may need to refer to the documentation that shipped with your current install.