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Code sample for freeing advantage database server table

I have a set of tables that were included in an Advantage Database data dictionary. The dictionary is no longer available, and the tables will not open.

I would like to free those tables using code (not the Advantage Data Architect).

The only reference I can find to this is a function listed in the help called ADSDDFreeTable.

The documentation for the function is at this link:

but it does not offer a code sample, and I cannot understand how to use it.

Would anyone be kind enough to show a code sample of how this function is used (with variables, not literals, for file names, etc)

Thanks very much!


  • Ace.pas defines AdsDDFreeTable as

    function AdsDDFreeTable( pucTableName: PAceChar;
                             pucPassword: PAceChar ):UNSIGNED32; {$IFDEF WIN32}stdcall;{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF LINUX}cdecl;{$ENDIF}

    The same Ace.pas defines PAceChar:

      PAceChar = PAnsiChar;

    Therefore, the call to the function should be fairly straightforward:

      TableName: AnsiString;
      TableName := 'C:\Data\MyTable.adt`;
      if AdsDDFreeTable(PAnsiChar(TableName), nil) <> ADS_FREETABLEFAILED then
        ShowMessage('Table removed from datadictionary')
        // Call ADSGetLastError to retrieve reason for failure;