This is my first time working with extends and stuff like that :)
In mt most recent program, I have BasicTile extending Tile. I construct the basic tile with a Bitmap. The bitmap is not an actual bitmap, its a class that I wrote that contains an array of integers (holding color values). When I render with the bitmap, I get a black screen. This goes away when I make the bitmap static (I do not want that because I want multiple basic tiles like grass, bushes, etc.) It also goes away if I set the texture right in the render method (I don't want to do that either bc it would load 60*256 bitmaps a second).
I tested some and in the constructor of the BasicTile the array in the bitmap contains the right values. In the render method it changed to only be the number -16777216 though.
The information seems to get lost somewhere in between. I am having problems finding where it gets lost because I do not do anything to the bitmap in between the constructor and the render method.
This is my Tile, BasicTile, and Bitmap classes:
public abstract class Tile {
public static final Tile[] tiles = new Tile[576];
public static final Tile VOID = new BasicTile(0, Art.spritesheet[0][0]);
public static final Tile STONE = new BasicTile(1, Art.spritesheet[1][0]);
public static final Tile GRASS = new BasicTile(2, Art.spritesheet[3][0]);
protected byte id;
protected boolean solid;
protected boolean emitter;
public Tile(int id, boolean isSolid, boolean isEmitter){
this.solid = isSolid;
this.emitter = isEmitter;
tiles[id] = this;
public byte getId(){
return id;
public boolean isSolid(){
return solid;
public boolean isEmitter(){
return emitter;
public abstract void render(Screen screen, int x, int y);
public class BasicTile extends Tile{
protected int tileId;
protected Bitmap texture;
public BasicTile(int id, Bitmap bitmap) {
super(id, false, false);
texture = bitmap;
public void render(Screen screen, int x, int y) {
/*for(int i = 0; i < texture.h; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < texture.w; j++){
System.out.println(texture.pixels[j + i * texture.w]);
}*/ //the algorithm I used to debug (getting the values of the int array)
screen.render(texture, x, y);
public class Bitmap {
public int w, h;
public int[] pixels;
public Bitmap(int w, int h){
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.pixels = new int[w * h];
when I render to the screen, it renders it to another bigger array of ints :)
Added examples:
normal code: see above (sorry I can only post 2 links)
result: black screen
making bitmap static: in the BasicTile change "protected Bitmap texture;" to "protected static Bitmap texture;"
result: same as the one with the bricks (so it works)
P.S.: If you need anything else to solve this issue please tell me :)
I figured out it was not displaying a black screen but instead the void tile... I don't know why (I'm working on a fix and it will be posted here) but if I change the public static final Tile VOID = new BasicTile(0, Art.spritesheet[0][0])
public static final Tile VOID = new BasicTile(0, Art.spritesheet[3][0])
it renders the bricks :)