I have looked around for answer on various forums, tried various things and still getting this error:
warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments [-Wformat-security]
The compiler point to the line in the function that has the error, here's how it looks:
int print_notes(int fd, int uid, char *searchstring) {
int note_length;
char byte=0, note_buffer[100];
note_length = find_user_note(fd, uid);
if(note_length == -1) // if end of file reached
return 0; // return 0
read(fd, note_buffer, note_length); // read note data
note_buffer[note_length] = 0; // terminate the string
if(search_note(note_buffer, searchstring)) // if searchstring found
scanf("%s", note_buffer) // Got this line from an answer in the forums
printf(note_buffer); // compiler points here
return 1;
If you want the full code i can post it here, but its kind of long :/ don't know if that will be ok.
Its giving warning for :
As you are getting string being formed at runtime and trying to print it.
Use :