The following sorts CustomerNo in the following order: (1,2,3,10,20,400), which is what is intended. But I get an error when inserting a non-numerical CustomerNo, such as 1a. the problem is the WHERE clause, where CustomerNo > 1.
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '1a' to data type int.
I don't particulary care where non-numerical CustomerNo's are placed in the order. I just don't want it to fail. If I remove the WHERE clause, I always get the order (1,2,3,10,20,400, 1a), but then with the SELECT TOP 1 *, I always get the row where CustomerNo=1. I would like to get the next one.
FROM [Database].[Company].[Table]
WHERE CompanyNo = 804
AND CustomerNo > 1
CASE IsNumeric(CustomerNo)
WHEN 1 THEN Replicate('0', 100 - Len(CustomerNo)) + CustomerNo
ELSE CustomerNo
This is how I did it (adjust it to your column length):
CASE IsNumeric(site_id) WHEN 1 THEN REPLACE(STR(site_id, 8, 0), ' ', '0') ELSE site_id END