I have a very large database (~100Gb) primarily consisting of two tables I want to reduce in size (both of which have approx. 50 million records). I have an archive DB set up on the same server with these two tables, using the same schema. I'm trying to determine the best conceptual way of going about removing the rows from the live db and inserting them in the archive DB. In pseudocode this is what I'm doing now:
Declare @NextIDs Table(UniqueID)
Declare @twoYearsAgo = two years from today's date
Insert into @NextIDs
SELECT top 100 from myLargeTable Where myLargeTable.actionDate < twoYearsAgo
Insert into myArchiveTable
SELECT <fields>
FROM myLargeTable INNER JOIN @NextIDs on myLargeTable.UniqueID = @NextIDs.UniqueID
DELETE MyLargeTable
FROM MyLargeTable INNER JOIN @NextIDs on myLargeTable.UniqueID = @NextIDs.UniqueID
Right now this takes a horrifically slow 7 minutes to complete 1000 records. I've tested the Delete and the Insert, both taking approx. 3.5 minutes to complete, so its not necessarily one is drastically more inefficient than the other. Can anyone point out some optimization ideas in this?
This is SQL Server 2000.
Edit: On the large table there is a clustered index on the ActionDate field. There are two other indexes, but neither are referenced in any of the queries. The Archive table has no indexes. On my test server, this is the only query hitting the SQL Server, so it should have plenty of processing power.
Code (this does a loop in batches of 1000 records at a time):
DECLARE @NextIDs TABLE(UniqueID int primary key)
DECLARE @TwoYearsAgo datetime
SELECT @TwoYearsAgo = DATEADD(d, (-2 * 365), GetDate())
WHILE EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 UserName FROM [ISAdminDB].[dbo].[UserUnitAudit] WHERE [ActionDateTime] < @TwoYearsAgo)
--get all records to be archived
SELECT TOP 1000 UniqueID FROM [ISAdminDB].[dbo].[UserUnitAudit] WHERE [UserUnitAudit].[ActionDateTime] < @TwoYearsAgo
--insert into archive table
INSERT INTO [ISArchive].[dbo].[userunitaudit]
SELECT <Fields>
FROM [ISAdminDB].[dbo].[UserUnitAudit] AS a
INNER JOIN @NextIDs AS b ON a.UniqueID = b.UniqueID
--remove from Admin DB
DELETE [ISAdminDB].[dbo].[UserUnitAudit]
FROM [ISAdminDB].[dbo].[UserUnitAudit] AS a
INNER JOIN @NextIDs AS b ON a.UniqueID = b.UniqueID
The INSERT and DELETE statements are joining on
If there's no index on this, and you indicate there isn't, you're doing two table scans. That's likely the source of the slowness, b/c a SQL Server table scan reads the entire table into a scratch table, searches the scratch table for matching rows, then drops the scratch table.
I think you need to add an index on UniqueID
. The performance hit for maintaining it has got to be less than table scans. And you can drop it after your archive is done.