I am completely new to Verilog and I have to know quite a bit of it fairly soon for a course I am taking in university. I am play around with my Altera DE2 board and quartis2 and learning the ins and outs.
I am trying to make a counter which is turned on and off by a switch. So far, the counter counts and resets based on a key press.
This is my error:
Error (10119): Verilog HDL Loop Statement error at my_first_counter_enable.v(19):
loop with non-constant loop condition must terminate within 250 iterations
I understand I am being asked to provide a loop variable, but even doing so I get an error.
module my_first_counter_enable(SW,CLOCK_50,LEDR,KEY);
input CLOCK_50;
input [17:0] SW;
input KEY;
output [17:0] LEDR;
reg [32:0] count;
wire reset_n;
wire enable;
assign reset_n = KEY;
assign enable = SW[0];
assign LEDR = count[27:24];
always@ (posedge CLOCK_50 or negedge reset_n) begin
while(enable) begin
count = 0;
count = count + 1;
I hope someone can point out my error in my loop and allow me to continue.
I don't think you want to use a while
loop there. How about:
always@ (posedge CLOCK_50 or negedge reset_n) begin
count <= 0;
else if (enable)
count <= count + 1;
I also added non-blocking assignments <=
, which are more appropriate for synchronous logic.