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How to group by DATE only in column datetime

I'm having a problem with grouping in SQL Server Express 2005

I have a DATETIME COLUMN but i want to group it only by date.

Here my SQL Statement:

SELECT (u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName) AS [FullName],d.user_id,CONVERT(varchar,d.log_date,101) AS log_date, min(d.login_time) as LOG_IN, max(d.logout_time) as LOG_OUT, sum(d.totaltime) as TOTHrs 
FROM tbldtr d INNER JOIN tblUsers u ON d.user_id = u.User_Id
WHERE d.user_id = 'ADMIN1' and d.log_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013' AND '6/15/2013'
GROUP BY DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, log_date), 0),u.FirstName,u.LastName,d.user_id order by d.log_date asc

but it give me this error:

Column 'tbldtr.log_date' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

Thanks in advance.!


  • Just move convert(varchar,d.log_date,101) into group by clause:

        u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName as [FullName],
        convert(varchar, d.log_date, 101) as log_date,
        min(d.login_time) as LOG_IN,
        max(d.logout_time) as LOG_OUT,
        sum(d.totaltime) as TOTHrs 
    from tbldtr d
        inner join tblUsers u on d.user_id = u.User_Id
    where d.user_id = 'ADMIN1' and d.log_date between '20130601' AND '20130615'
    group by
         convert(varchar, d.log_date, 101),
         u.FirstName, u.LastName, d.user_id
    order by log_date asc

    Also, it's more safe to change dates in the where into unambiguous format - YYYYMMDD