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Dokuwiki Link to login page

I use the dokuwiki and the users need to login for viewing several pages. When he is not logged in, he gets the following error message page:

enter image description here

As you can see I already tried to add a link to the Login page. I would like to keep the initial page requested in the link, but add the do=login to redirect to the login page.

[[#?do=login|Perhaps you forgot to login?]]

How can I create a link to the same page but showing the login page instead of the access denied?

The page is the inc/lang/en/denied.txt


  • Have you tried with this plugin "showlogin" to display the login form appended within this page.

    Basically this is the code which stop showing the default denied page which contains text message and instead login form.

    class action_plugin_showlogin extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin {
         * Register its handlers with the dokuwiki's event controller
        public function register(Doku_Event_Handler &$controller) {
          # TPL_CONTENT_DISPLAY is called before and after content of wikipage is written to output buffer
           $controller->register_hook('TPL_CONTENT_DISPLAY', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_tpl_content_display');
         * Handle the event
        public function handle_tpl_content_display(Doku_Event &$event, $param) {
          global $ACT;
          # If user is not logged in and access to page is denied, show login form
          if (($ACT == 'denied') && (! $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
        $event->preventDefault(); // prevent "Access denied" page from showing
        html_login(); // show login dialog instead
          # .. or show regular access denied page