I'm wondering if it's possible or not to auto complete function arguments from tags generated by exuberant ctags? I noticed that when I generate a tag, I see the function argument WITH the function, so it would be logical to assume that it's possible to complete the arguments.
I'm familiar that there are alternatives such as clang_complete and youcompleteme, which uses the clang compiler, but that's an added dependency. I'm already using Tagbar + EasyTags, etc, so why not just use tags if it's already there, than to bloat up vim.
It's not really "completion" of the function arguments, but from the comments on your question you said you want a guide to what arguments a function takes after doing tag completion.
If your completion method supports it, you can see such a guide with :set completeopt+=preview
The C filetype plugin distributed with Vim sets the 'omnifunc'
option to ccomplete#Complete
which supports this option, using the tag signature. I believe it also works for C++. You may need a similar completion function for other languages.
To use it, do "omni" type completion after setting the option, with <C-X><C-O>
in insert mode.