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Parse JSON with fieldnames that contain reserved keywords

I'm trying to parse the following JSON with aeson.

    "data": [
            "id": "34",
            "type": "link",
            "story": "foo"
            "id": "35",
            "type": "link",
            "story": "bar"

Since there are a lot of field I'd like to ignore, it seems I should use GHC generics. But how to write a data type definition that uses Haskell keywords like data and type? The following of course gives: parse error on input `data'

data Feed = Feed {data :: [Post]}
    deriving (Show, Generic)

data Post = Post {
        id :: String,
        type :: String,
        story :: String
    deriving (Show, Generic)


  • You can write your own FromJSON and ToJSON instances without relying on GHC.Generics. This also means that you can use different field names for the data representation and the JSON representation.

    Example instances for Post:

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    import Control.Applicative
    import Data.Aeson
    import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
    data Post = Post {
            postId :: String,
            typ :: String,
            story :: String
      deriving (Show)
    instance FromJSON Post where
      parseJSON (Object x) = Post <$> x .: "id" <*> x.: "type" <*> x .: "story"
      parseJSON _ = fail "Expected an Object"
    instance ToJSON Post where
      toJSON post = object 
        [ "id" .= postId post
        , "type" .= typ post
        , "story" .= story post
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      print $ (decode $ Post "{\"type\": \"myType\", \"story\": \"Really interresting story\", \"id\" : \"SomeId\"}" :: Maybe Post)
      LBS.putStrLn $ encode $ Post "myId" "myType" "Some other story"

    The same can be done for Feed. If you didn't have to ignore fields, you could also use deriveJSON from Data.Aeson.TH, which takes a function to modify field names as it's first argument.