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PyroCMS Pagination not working

Im creating a module with pagination, when I use the create_pagination() helper I am getting a question mark in the links. The limit has been set to 6 so I expect the links to be in sequence like 0,6,12,18 but Im getting 1?,2?,3?.

This is what is being generated:

<a href="">1</a> 
<a href="">2</a>

This is what iI was expecting:

<a href="">1</a> 
<a href="">2</a>

The code Im passing in the controller is;

public function index( $offset = 0 )

  $limit = 6;
  $total_items = $this->mymodel_m->count_all();
  $items = $this->mymodel_m
                      ->limit( $limit )->offset( $offset  )

  $data->pagination = create_pagination('mymodule/page/', $total_items, $limit, 3 );


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


  • Something like this should work.

    public function index()
      $limit = 6;
      $total_items = $this->mymodel_m->count_all();
      $pagination = create_pagination('mymodule/page/', $total_rows , $limit, 3);
      $items = $this->mymodel_m
                          ->limit($pagination['limit'], $pagination['offset'])