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Selecting URLs using RegExp but ignoring them when surrounded by double quotes

I've searched around quite a bit now, but I can't get any suggestions to work in my situation. I've seen success with negative lookahead or lookaround, but I really don't understand it.

I wish to use RegExp to find URLs in blocks of text but ignore them when quoted. While not perfect yet I have the following to find URLs:


I want it to match the following:

But not match:



To clarify, I could be passing a full paragraph of text through the expression. Sample paragraph of what I'd like below:

I would like the following link to be found However this link should be ignored "". It would be nice, but not required, to have " and" ignored as well.

A sample of a different one I have working below. language is php:

$articleEntry = "Hey guys! Check out this cool video on Vimeo:";

$pattern = array('/\n+/', '/(https?\:\/\/)?(player\.vimeo\.com\/video\/[0-9]+)/');
$replace = array('<br/><br/>',
    '<iframe src="http://$2?color=40cc20" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>'); 
    $articleEntry = preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$articleEntry);

The result of the above will replace any new lines "\n" with a double break "

" and will embed the Vimeo video by replacing the Vimeo address with an iframe and link.


  • I've found a solution!


    The first part from (? to *$) what makes it work for me. I found this as an answer in java Regex - split but ignore text inside quotes? by

    While I had read that question before, I had overlooked his answer because it wasn't the one that "solved" the question. I just changed the single quote to double quote and it works out for me.