I have entities which form a tree relationships.
class MyEntity
public int Id {get;set;}
public int ParentId {get;set;}
public virtual MyEntity Parent {get;set;}
public virtual ICollection<MyEntity> Children {get;set;}
When these entities are called without AsNoTracking()
relationships are fixed up.
var entities = MyEntitiesSet.ToList();
All navigation properties and collections are set.
However if AsNoTracking()
is called:
var entities = MyEntitiesSet.AsNoTracking.ToList();
no navigation property is set. This is understandable. But I cannot understand why collection and naviagtion properties are not overriden to provide relationship fixup for this code:
entity.Parent = anotherEntity;
Here I expect that anotherEntity.Children
collection now contains entity. Alas, this is false expectation as my experimetns show.
Is it possible to get desired behavior without enabling change tracking?
Update 1
I loked at generated proxies and noted that overriden collections are hashsets of the proxy type. They are not backed up by EntityCollection<TEntity>
what was true to EF 4 ObjectContext proxies.
And I've found the answer here.
DbContext does not generate proxies which fix up relationships.
DbContext does not generate proxies which fix up relationships.
Proof is here: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/760609/poco-navigation-proxies-should-fixup-the-other-end-automatically
Yet, when entitties are attached to the context loading related entities:
sets relationships automatically.