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C# DX What is this param mean?

I ran into this while using slimDX

MessagePump.Run(form, () => { });

What does () => { } do?


  • The expression () => {} is an empty lambda expression. The function MessagePump.Run is defined as:

    public static void Run(
    Form form,
    MainLoop mainLoop

    MainLoop is defined as:

    public delegate void MainLoop()

    So it is delegate which does not expects any parameters. So when you pass () => {} it is as good as a method that do nothing like:

    public void MainLoopImpl()
        //empty method

    Now create MainLoop instance:

    var mLoop = new MainLoop(MainLoopImpl);
    //or alternative syntax
    MainLoop mLoop = MainLoopImpl;
    //CALL Run
    MessagePump.Run(form, mLoop);

    Details about declaring, creating and using delegates (including lambda expression declaration way) is explained in detail on this MSDN page.