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Adding a dll custom action to install shield limited edition project through a merge module created via wix

I have created this wix merge module project and added a dll custom action to it:

<Wix xmlns="">
  <Module Id="MergeModule1" Language="1033" Version="">
    <Package Id="cffa568e-1bf0-4eb3-bee3-eb5801a0bbd0" Manufacturer="Microsoft" InstallerVersion="200" />

    <Binary Id="myCustomActionsDLL" SourceFile="CustomAction1.CA.dll" />

    Return="asyncWait" />

      <Custom Action="CA_myCustomAction" Before="InstallFinalize" />


In my InstallShield Limited Edition setup project, I click on Redistributables and then browse to the MergeModule1.msm file and add it.

When I run the MSI created, it installs successfully, but it seems the custom action is not run, because I don't see a file c:\test.txt:

        public static ActionResult CustomAction1(Session session)
            File.WriteAllText(@"c:\test.txt", session.GetTargetPath("") + "-----" + session.GetSourcePath(""));

            return ActionResult.Failure;

When I open the MSI file created in ORCA, I can see that the Custom Action is there in the InstallExecuteSequence table.

What can be the reason that it is not getting executed?


  • Your troubleshooting should begin by capturing a verbose log and then reading it for errors.

    msiexec /I foo.msi /l*v install.log

    I'm guessing if you add the Impersonate="no" attribute and change the Return attribte to "check" you'll get a better results.

    I use WiX merge modules with InstallShield Limited Edition all the time. I recommend reading the following:

    Installation Phases and In-Script Execution Options for Custom Actions in Windows Installer

    Installation Collaboration Workflows using Free Tools