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If statement and assigning wires in Verilog

I am trying to figure out the basics of assigning wires based on combinational logic.

I have:

wire val;
wire x;
wire a;
wire b;

always @*

if(val == 00)
 //I want to assign x = a
if(val == 01)
 //I want to assign x = b


where a and b are wires with values - and x is a wire going into a register.

If you can point me in the right direction to what I need to change, it would be much appreciated.


  • First thing to ask is: are you trying to use those wires as inputs? Or are you using those as connections? Second thing: Do you want a synthesizable code? And you cant assign wires inside an always block, you have to use reg

    So an opinion is:

    module(a, b, out); //You have to define an interface, and all Verilog modules starts with module 
    input val[1:0]; //you have to use [] in order to indicate the length. In this case 2 bits, since you want to ask for 00;
    input a;
    input b;
    output out;
    reg x;
    always @* //NOTE: You are describing combo logic, since there is no clock signal
          if(val == 2'b00)
            x = a;
          else if(val == 2'b01)
            x = b;
            x = 0; //If you are describing combo logic, you have to cover ALL val cases, in                     order to evade latches
    assign out = x; //This is how you assign values in Verilog