Simple 32-bit register:
reg32 Reg_32 (
.in(valueA), // input 32 bits
.out(valueB) // output 32 bits
However, valueA
is defined as a 10-bit wire [9:0].
Does valueA
need 22 extended 0 bits?
.in({22b'0,valueA}), // 22 bits of 0 + value of wire [9:0]
or does the compiler do this in ModelSim?
I doubt it is necessary in most cases. But, to avoid unpredicatble behavior due to different compilers, it is safer to explicitly pad the value to the correct width. I would use replicated concatenation (as described in the IEEE Std 1800-2012, for example):
.in ({ {22{1'b0}}, valueA}),