I've tried setting all pixels to black. But it isn't working. I am getting the same image as original.
Here is my code:
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__."/image_new.jpg");
while ($i < 100)
while($j < 100)
$pixel = $image->getImagePixelColor($i, $j);
echo $image;
Image size is 100x100.
Any ideas?
The Imagick::getImagePixelColor will return an ImagickPixel object; which, would have copied data from the originating Imagick object. After altering the pixel's data/state, you would need to "sync" the pixel back to the image. To help with this process, a ImagickPixelIterator object has been provided -- see Imagick::getPixelIterator. Here's a quick example
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__."/image_new.jpg");
$pixel_iterator = $image->getPixelIterator();
foreach($pixel_iterator as $i => $pixels)
if( $i < 100 )
foreach($pixels as $j => $pixel)
if( $j < 100 )
echo $image;