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Batch File to Copy and Rename SQL Backup File created Today

I am currently working on a batch file to delete the previous file, copy any file created "Today" and rename to a generic name. This is for Restoring a DB file on a daily basis from the backup file that has been created today from another instance.

@echo off

echo deleting previous file.....

del E:\DataRestore\DBRestore.bak /f

FOR /F %%I IN ('dir /B /O:D *.bak') DO SET filename=%%I

FOR %%f IN (%filename%) DO SET temp=%%~tf

set mydate=%temp:~6,4%%temp:~0,2%%temp:~3,2%

FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%I IN ('DATE /t') DO SET mydate2=%%L%%J%%K 

ECHO last modified file date is %mydate%

if %mydate2%==%mydate% 

RENAME %%I DBRestore.bak

DO COPY %%I E:\DataRestore & exit /b

I am getting a syntax error.


  • if %mydate2%==%mydate%
    RENAME %%I DBRestore.bak
    DO COPY %%I E:\DataRestore & exit /b

    The above lines are not valid batch syntax.

    1. You cannot have an if with a condition, but no action.
    2. You cannot use loop variables (%%I) outside a loop.
    3. do is only a valid keyword in for loops.

    Also, you don't need to determine the current date via date /t. There's a variable %DATE% providing that information.

    Your script should probably look somewhat like this:

    @echo off
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    echo deleting previous file.....
    del E:\DataRestore\DBRestore.bak /f
    set mydate2=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%
    for /F %%I in ('dir /B /O:D *.bak') do (
      set "filename=%%~fI"
      set "temp=%%~tI"
      set "mydate=!temp:~6,4!!temp:~0,2!!temp:~3,2!"
      echo last modified file date is !mydate!
      if "%mydate2%"=="!mydate!" (
        copy "!filename!" E:\DataRestore\DBRestore.bak
        exit /b