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Is there a limiltation of simultaneous filestreams?

I have a strategic question to the use of simultaneously opened fstreams. I have to write a program which has too read a large amount of files. In each file there are information to a bunch of identifiers, but one time. I have to compute this information and than save it for each identifier in a separate file. Every identifier appears in several files and should be saved every time in the same file (One identifier with many times). I expect some hundred identifiers so I doubt I should have several hundred filesteams open simultaneously.

So is there a limitation of simultaneous filestreams? Or do you propose another way of doing this?

The program will compute a massive amount of data (about 10GB or larger) and perhaps computes several hours.



  • There's ultimately a limit to anything. Files are a perfect example of something managed by the operating system, and you will have to consult your OS documentation for the specific limit. In Linux, I believe it is configurable in the kernel. There may additionally be user and process quotas.

    I don't think 200 is too many to ask.

    It's quite simple to try and see. Just write a program that keeps opening more files until you get an error.

    Live example.

    On Mac OS X 10.8, this program

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <string>
    int main() {
        int i = 0;
        std::ofstream *f;
        do {
            f = new std::ofstream( std::to_string( i ++ ) );
        } while ( * f << "hello" << std::flush );
        -- i; // Don't count last iteration, which failed to open anything.
        std::cout << i << '\n';

    Produces the output 253. So if you're on a Mac, you're golden :) .