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Clover : Statement and Method codecoverage

In the nice html code coverage that clover generates , I did not see any specific code coverage for method and statement. I just have one number that is overall code coverage. I believe we would like to get the individual percentage for method and statement. I was actually surprised to find not to find one on the code coverage report. Do people use method or statement code coverage , if so how can I get it through clover html coverage report.


  • Thanks to Marek [Atlassian]

    it's possible to have extra coverage metrics in the HTML report. You have to use clover-report task and declare the current , columns element in it, as shown below.

    <current outfile="report/html">
      <format type="html"/>
         <coveredMethods format="%"/>
         <coveredStatements format="%"/>
         <coveredBranches format="%"/>
         <coveredElements format="bar"/>