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Finding # occurrences of a character in a string in Ruby

I'm looking for the Ruby method (1.9...) that can help me find the number of occurrences of a character in a string. I'm looking for all occurrences, not just the first one.

For example: "Melanie is a noob" There are two occurrences of the letter 'a'. What would be the Ruby method I could use in order to find this?

I've been using as a reference and the scan method in the String: class caught my eye. The wording is a bit difficult for me to understand, so I don't really grasp the concept of scan.

Edit: I was able to solve this using scan. I shared a few solutions in a video and article sharing how to do it.


  • I was able to solve this by passing a string through scan as shown in another answer.

    For example:

    string = 'This is an example'
    puts string.count('e')



    I was also able to pull the occurrences by using scan and passing a sting through instead of regex which varies slightly from another answer but was helpful in order to avoid regex.

    string = 'This is an example'
    puts string.scan('e')



    I explored these methods further in a video I created after I figured it out.