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Validate class/method names with regex

I'm currently working on an MVC Style framework for a company and for security reasons I need to make sure that the controller / method that's passed via the Query String is valid chars to the RFC (which I can't find).

I need to be able to validate / sanitize class names according to what's allowed by the PHP interpreter

For Example:

class SomEFunk__YClAssName extends Controller


I need some kind of regex that will validate SomEFunk__YClAssName and sanitize it if need be! This is also the same principles as methods.

There is a few things to take into consideration such as

  • Numerics at the start
  • Only underscores allowed
  • Certain PHP Special Chars to be allowed.

Any information on this or possible expressions would be really helpful.

Here is some of my Router Code so you can see where I need to implement it:

private function prepareQueryString()
        if(strlen($this->query_string) == 0)
        //Remove [ending|starting|multiple] slashes
        $this->query_string = preg_replace('/^\/+|\/+$|\/(?=\/)/', '', $this->query_string);
        foreach(explode('/',$this->query_string) as $Key => $Value)
            if($Key == 0)
                $Controller = $this->AssignController($Value);
            if($Key == 1)

        //Build RouterVar stdClass

    public function AssignController(String $Controller)

    public function AssignMethod(String $Method)

    public function AssignParam(String $Param)
        $this->params[] = $Param;

You will see the comment "Sanitize" where the check is needed.


  • I believe the regex you're looking for short class name, e.g. SomeClass is:


    According to:

    For namespaced class, e.g. App\SomeClass it is:
