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Distinct over one column with value comparing on another column ICriteria NHibernate

I have table and object called Person. I have problem to create a distinct (over column "lastname") criteria. I want to get only the oldest Person with distinct lastnames. For example i have (properties: firstname, lastname, age):

  • John Smith, 52
  • Jessica Smith, 45
  • Ann Pit, 21
  • Brad Pit, 30

Can anybody help me to create criteria which result i get Person object with John Smith and Brad Pit?


  • Probably the best approach here is to use EXISTS to filter the result set, first a SQL example to get the logic correct:

    DECLARE @Person TABLE (
       Id INT,
       Firstname VARCHAR(20),
       Lastname VARCHAR(20),
       Age INT 
    INSERT INTO @Person VALUES (1, 'Brad', 'Pitt', 42)
    INSERT INTO @Person VALUES (2, 'Angelina', 'Pitt', 45)
    INSERT INTO @Person VALUES (3, 'John', 'Smith', 50)
    INSERT INTO @Person VALUES (4, 'Jane', 'Smith', 55)
    SELECT P.* FROM @Person P
        SELECT SUB.LastName, MAX(SUB.Age) as Age FROM @Person SUB
        GROUP BY SUB.LastName
        HAVING SUB.LastName = P.LastName AND MAX(SUB.Age) = P.Age)

    This yields the following results which is as expected:

    Id  Firstname   Lastname    Age
    2   Angelina    Pitt        45
    4   Jane        Smith       55

    Now to convert to nHibernate, this effectively builds the same query as above:

    var subQuery = DetachedCriteria.For<Person>("SUB")
        .Add(Projections.GroupProperty("LastName"), "Lastname")
        .Add(Projections.Max("Age"), "Age"))
        .Add(Restrictions.EqProperty(Projections.Max("Age"), "P.Age")
        .Add(Restrictions.EqProperty("LastName", "P.LastName"));
    return session.CreateCriteria<Person>("P")