I have these two tables
PK: User_Id
User_ID (not the key in this table)
SELECT TOP(page_size)
FROM AppUser this_ left join
(select UserPrinciples.*
from (select UserPrinciples.*,
row_number() over (partition by UserName order by User_Id) as seqnum
from UserPrinciples
) UserPrinciples
where seqnum = 1) as b
on this_.User_Id=b.User_ID
(AppUser represanted by IUser; UserPrinciples represanted by StoredCredentials)
public UserPagedQuery(ISessionProvider<ISession> sessionProvider)
_sessionProvider = sessionProvider;
_query = sessionProvider.Session.QueryOver<IUser>();
var uc = _query.UnderlyingCriteria;
var ap = uc.GetOrCreateAssociationPath("StoredCredentials");
public IEnumerable<IUser> Execute()
var pagedReceiving = _query.TransformUsing(Transformers.DistinctRootEntity).List<IUser>();
return pagedReceiving;
SELECT TOP(page_size) FROM AppUser left outer join UserPrinciples
on AppUser.User_Id=UserPrinciples.User_ID
ORDER BY UserPrinciples.UserName asc
and this is not good enough, since i need only one record from each user_id, and with this query i can get more than one record, for some users, and this is the issue.
can anyone assist with that? not sure if any other details are needed
thanks and best regards
expressed as sql without the partition
SELECT TOP(page_size) up.*, au.* from
(SELECT UserName, Min(User_Id) as User_Id FROM UserPrinciples GROUP BY UserName) as x
UserPrinciples up ON x.UserName = up.UserName AND x.User_Id = up.User_Id
AppUser au ON au.User_Id = up.User_Id
which translated to linq should be something along the lines:
var y = from up1 in session.Query<Employment>()
group up1 by up1.Name into g
select new { Name = g.Key, UserId = g.Min(x => x.Company.Id) } into f
join up2 in session.Query<Employment>() on new { f.Name, f.UserId } equals new { up2.Name, UserId = up2.Company.Id }
select new SomeDto
ProfileName = up2.Name,
UserId = up2.User.Id,
Name = up2.User.Name,
var results = y.ToList();