I have NH query
result = Session.Query<s>()
.Include(s => s.a)
.Include(x => x.b)
.Include(x => x.c);
And I have two filtered results
IQueryable<s> r1 = result.Where(x => x.c.Any(a => a.Id == "value"));
IQueryable<s> r2 = result.Where(x => x.d.Any(a => a.Id == "other"));
And I want to have
IQueryable<s> r1.Union(r2)
IQueryable<s> r1.Concat(r2).Distinct()
So far everything ok, code compile and run, but in run time I got error:
The ConcatResultOperator result operator is not current supported
How to concat this two results without lose NHibernate query context.
I know I can cast to list and concat lists but I want still IQueryable
base on [NH-2710] Support Unions on HQL - NHibernate JIRA
it's not supported yet
you can up-vote the feature request
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