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Robot Framework - Case sensitive

I need to know if there is a workaround on this error:

When I use Keywords like:

  • Location Should Be
  • Location Should Contain
  • (Which are both part of the Selenium2Library.)

    I get this error: "Location should have been '' but was 'http://WwW.GooGLe.Pt'

    I think that is because robot framework is natively case sensitive when comparing strings.

    Any help? Ty

    EDIT Question edited to clarify some subjects.


  • Luckily Robot Framework allows for keywords to be written in python.

    def Compare_Ignore_Case(s1, s2):  
        if s1.lower() != s2.lower():
            return False
            return True
    def Convert_to_Lowercase(s1):
        return s1.lower()


    | *Setting* | *Value*        |
    | Library   | ./ |
    | *Test Case* | *Action* | *Argument*
    | T100 | [Documentation] | Compare two strings ignoring case.
    |      | Compare Ignore Case | foo | FOO
    | T101 | [Documentation] | Compare two strings where one is a variable.
                      # Should be Get Location in your case.
    |      | ${temp}= | MyKeyword that Returns a String
    |      | Compare Ignore Case | foo | ${temp}

    I have not used the Selenium library, but the example in T101 should work for you.