I have been trying to find a solution to something that I believe is rather simple? What I would like to do is create a tabular form to collect some records for a survey.
Table: survey_record
Table: survey_inspection
survey_record_id (FK)
So table survey_inspection HAS_MANY inspections from survey_record. Assuming an inspector is doing a survey for meter_id = 1001, the user identifies the status_id of the meter then, they have to fill in 4 inspection entries, as 1001 has 4 bays. To generate the 4 bays I simply created a for loop. Which works fine.
View: _form.php
$bays = count($meter->bays); //retrieves the number of inspections required
<?php echo $form->dropDownListRow($model,'status_id',$model->getStatusId(),array('prompt'=>'Select Status ...')); ?>
<?php for ($i = 1; $i <= $bays; $i++): ?>
<?php echo $form->textFieldRow($inspection, "[$i]bay_id", array('readonly'=>true, 'value'=>"$i", 'class'=>'span1')); ?>
<?php echo $form->dropDownListRow($inspection, "[$i]bay_usage_id", $inspection->getUsageId(), array('prompt'=>'Bay Status ...') ); ?>
<?php endfor; ?>
However when I submit the form I am only receiving two (not four) results and I can't seem to display the validated fields correctly. So here's the famous controller file:SurveyRecordController.php
public function actionCreate($survey_id, $meter_id)
$model=new SurveyRecord;
$inspection = new SurveyInspection;
$model->survey_id = (int)$survey_id;
$model->meter_id = (int)$meter_id;
if(isset($_POST['SurveyRecord'], $_POST['SurveyInspection']))
$valid= $model->validate();
foreach($_POST['SurveyInspection'][$i] as $inspection)
$inspection = new SurveyInspection;
$inspection->bay_id =$_POST['SurveyInspection'][$i]['bay_id'];
$inspection->bay_usage_id =$_POST['SurveyInspection'][$i]['bay_usage_id'];
$valid= $inspection->validate() && $valid;
echo '<br/><br/><br/><pre>';
echo '</pre>';
$inspection->survey_record_id = $model->id;
I have a funny feeling that I may not be doing the foreach loop correctly as when I view the array $_POST['SurveyInspection'][$i] I am only returned with two entries when there should be four.
Some information that may be helpful:
PHP version: 5.4.14 Yii version: 1.1.13 PostgreSQL version: 9.1.9
Thank you kindly :)
I've taken a completely different approach, valuable suggestions are always welcome :) Hope this will be helpful for some of you.
public function actionCreate($survey_id, $meter_id)
$bays = $this->getBayCount($meter_id);
for ($i=1;$i<=$bays;$i++)
$model=new SurveyRecord;
$model->survey_id = (int)$survey_id;
$model->meter_id = (int)$meter_id;
${'inspection_'.$i} = new SurveyInspection($i);
if(isset($_POST['SurveyRecord'], $_POST["SurveyInspection"][$i]))
$model->attributes = $_POST['SurveyRecord'];
${'inspection_'.$i}->attributes = $_POST["SurveyInspection"][$i];
echo '<br/><br/><br/><pre>';
echo '</pre>';
for ($i=1;$i<=$bays;$i++)
${'inspection_'.$i} = new SurveyInspection($i);
$inspection['inspection_'.$i] = ${'inspection_'.$i};
<div class="control">
<?php echo $form->dropDownListRow($model,'status_id',$model->getStatusId(),array('prompt'=>'Select Status ...')); ?>
$bays = count($meter->bays);
<?php for ($i=1; $i<=$bays; $i++): ?>
<td><?php echo $form->textFieldRow($inspection["inspection_$i"], "[$i]bay_id",
array('readonly'=>true, 'value'=>"$i", 'class'=>'span1')); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $form->dropDownListRow($inspection["inspection_$i"], "[$i]bay_usage_id", $inspection["inspection_$i"]->getUsageId(),
array('prompt'=>'Bay Status ...') ); ?></td>
<?php endfor; ?>
Credit: http://yiiblog.info/blog/index.php/post/108/Rename+ACtiveRecord+$_POST+array's+Name+to+update+multimodels
Note: There's still some work to be done on the view/controller (doesn't seem to be able to select on $_POST for my dropdowns on second model), will post once I have fixed it.
Thanks for your help @PeterM and @Ninad for your input.