This is a sql query that i am working on. It is dumping the filtered result in a temp table it is giving an error stating "Incorrect syntax near ','."
SET @year = '2012'
, CONVERT(DATETIME, convert(VARCHAR(10), [ReportDate], 103), 103) AS FilteredDate
INTO TempData FROM MailboxDatabase
WHERE (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [ReportDate], 103)
IN ( '01/01/'+ @year +,'01/02/'+ @year +,
'01/03/'+ @year +,'01/04/'+ @year +,
'01/05/'+ @year +,'01/06/'+ @year +,
'01/07/'+ @year +,'01/08/'+ @year +,
'01/09/'+ @year +,'01/10/'+ @year +,
'01/11/'+ @year +,'01/12/'+ @year +
The error is coming in where condition in which I am trying to filter result on the basis of date by converting it into varchar. but it is not working .
You are concatenating the string in a wrong way.
try this
'01/01/'+ @year ,'01/02/'+ @year ,