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Adding a Service to Name Service Switch

So I am trying to add a service to NSS (Name Service Switch). Please note the GNU guide on how to do it here. I have been following that guide. I need to implement a service that works with the passwd database.

The problem I am having is my module is not being called for certain functions. Let me reproduce some of my code here...

enum nss_status
_nss_myservice_setpwent (void) {
 printf( "@ %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) ;
} ;

enum nss_status
_nss_myservice_endpwent (void) {
 printf( "@ %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) ;
} ;

enum nss_status
_nss_myservice_getpwent_r (struct passwd *result, char *buffer,
   size_t buflen, int *errnop) {

 static int i = 0 ;

 if( i++ == 0 ) {
   printf( "@ %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) ;
   return init_result( result, buffer, buflen, errnop ) ;
 } else {
   i = 0 ;
} ;

enum nss_status
_nss_myservice_getpwbynam (const char *nam, struct passwd *result, char *buffer,
   size_t buflen, int *errnop) {
 printf( "@ %s with name %s\n", __FUNCTION__, nam ) ;
 return init_result( result, buffer, buflen, errnop ) ;
} ;

enum nss_status
_nss_myservice_getpwbynam_r (const char *nam, struct passwd *result, char *buffer,
   size_t buflen, int *errnop) {
 printf( "@ %s with name_r %s\n", __FUNCTION__, nam ) ;
 return init_result( result, buffer, buflen, errnop ) ;
} ;

Init_result is an inline function that simply fills in the result with a dummy user no matter what the PARAMS are.

Now I have my /etc/nsswitch.conf setup as follows:

passwd:         myservice compat

And for completeness here is my Makefile.

       gcc -fPIC -shared -o -Wl,-soname, myservice.c
       sudo install -m 0644 /lib
       sudo /sbin/ldconfig -n /lib /usr/lib
       /bin/rf -rf

Now after installing this nss module I run getent on the command line and here is my output:

username@host:~/nss$ getent passwd
@ _nss_myservice_setpwent
@ _nss_myservice_getpwent_r
@ _nss_myservice_endpwent

So as you can see that is working as I would expect. The iterative call is made which returns the user and then the compat service is called which returns all the user from /etc/passwd.

The problem is when I make this call, "getent passwd myuser", I get a return value of 2, "Key not found in database". This shows me my _nss_myservice_getpwbynam_r function is not being called. Any ideas why? I can provide the complete code if that would help.


  • You need to call the function _nss_myservice_getpwnam_r instead of _nss_myservice_getpwbynam_r.

    After looking at :

    #define DECLARE_NSS_PROTOTYPES(service)                 \
    extern enum nss_status _nss_ ## service ## _setpwent (int);     \
    extern enum nss_status _nss_ ## service ## _endpwent (void);        \
    extern enum nss_status _nss_ ## service ## _getpwnam_r          \        <<< this line
                           (const char *name, struct passwd *pwd,       \
                char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop);  \
    extern enum nss_status _nss_ ## service ## _getpwuid_r          \
                           (uid_t uid, struct passwd *pwd,          \
                char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop);  \
    extern enum nss_status _nss_ ## service ##_getpwent_r           \
                           (struct passwd *result, char *buffer,        \
                size_t buflen, int *errnop);