In Drupal 7, I'm using the feeds module to pull in a bunch of books
That's all working perfectly. I am not setting up some views.
the feed pulls in an image url to on o my field like this [
but of course I need
<img src="" />
to display the image on the page
What is the best method of altering this fields' text, or is there a method so I can automatically format correctly. There are hundres of these, so manually do it is not an option
You can either use Feeds Tamper, which let's you manipulate the incoming feed data before it comes in (ie. wrap the url with img tags):
You can simply import the URLs into a field, and then render the URL with a template file that has the img tag wrapped around the field.
Like so: in node--content-type-name-here.tpl.php
<img src="<?php print render($content['field_url']); ?>" />
I would recommend the latter and only use Feeds Tamper for more serious manipulations.