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flutter send email with url_launcher uri

I'm using url_launcher to send email with system email in my app. I'm using code below and this guy is doing so well.

void launchEmailSubmission() async {
    final Uri params = Uri(
      scheme: 'mailto',
      path: '',
    String url = params.toString();
    if (await canLaunch(url)) {
      await launch(url);
    } else {
      print('Could not launch $url');

But now I want to give it 'default' subject and hintText inside the mail body box(if hintText not possible, then normal text).

Is there any way to do this?


  • Try using queryParameters in Uri. You can achieve this in below shown way:

    void launchEmailSubmission() async {
        final Uri params = Uri(
          scheme: 'mailto',
          path: '',
          queryParameters: {
            'subject': 'Default Subject',
            'body': 'Default body'
        String url = params.toString();
        if (await canLaunch(url)) {
          await launch(url);
        } else {
          print('Could not launch $url');

    It will open will default body and subject.