I generate a large matrix of doubles in a 2d VBA Dynamic Array. When I attempt to assign the Array to a Excel Range object, I receive the following error:
Runtime Error '1004':
Application-defined or Object-defined Error
Unless, that is, I call Worksheet.Activate before the assignment. (The size of the Array is about 88 x 1150) Here is the code snip:
Dim lIndxRow As Long, lIndxRowBase As Long, lIndxRowLast As Long, lIndxCol As Long, lIndxColBase As Long, lIndxColLast As Long
lIndxRow = [Close_FirstRow]
lIndxRowBase = [Close_FirstRow]
lIndxRowLast = [Close_LastRow]
lIndxColBase = [Close_FirstCol]
lIndxColLast = [Close_LastCol]
Dim Mat() As Double
ReDim Mat(lIndxRowBase To lIndxRowLast, lIndxColBase To lIndxColLast + 1)
While lIndxRow <= lIndxRowLast
nSharesTotal = 0#
While lIndxCol <= lIndxColLast
Dim nShares As Double
' Calculate value for nShares
Mat(lIndxRow, lIndxCol) = nShares
nSharesTotal = nSharesTotal + nShares
lIndxCol = lIndxCol + 1
Mat(lIndxRow, lIndxCol) = nSharesTotal
lIndxRowPrev = lIndxRow
lIndxRow = lIndxRow + 1
' no error when next line uncommented
'Worksheets("Share Pos").Activate
Worksheets("Share Pos").Range(Cells(lIndxRowBase, lIndxColBase), Cells(lIndxRowLast, lIndxColLast + 1)).Value2 = Mat
The problem is that the cells object is not fully qualified. You have to fully qualify them. Try this (Notice the DOT before CELLS?
With Worksheets("Share Pos")
.Range(.Cells(lIndxRowBase, lIndxColBase), .Cells(lIndxRowLast, _
lIndxColLast + 1)).Value2 = Mat
End With