Azure's shared caching session provider gives intermittent System.Runtime.Serialization.InvalidDataContractException session errors with Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.SyncList with the serializing reportviewer with our LOCAL processing of reports.
The only resolve Microsoft appears to have is a hotfix that has to be installed during each startup of the webrole. Seems like a common control that others would be using. Has anyone else found a better solution that still uses shared caching for managing session?
REPORT VIEWER 2012 Has anyone tried using ReportViewer 2012 in windows azure with azure shared caching? They claimed on this email from Microsoft that this issue of lacking the default parameter-less constructor would be fixed in the version after ReportViewer 2010. Before i went through the process of trying it out wondered if others have had out-of-the-box success with the ReportViewer 2012 when using Azure's shared caching session provider.
Yes, I upgraded to the 2012 version of the report viewer and no longer need the hot fix. Just as an additional hint, make sure you install the latest version of the report viewer and the version that ships with 2012 doesn't get updated out of band. To get the latest version you can download the redistributable package.