I'm using a series of PNG images as sprites to create animations on a plane for an augmented reality application in Unity. The PNG images are loaded as textures, and the textures are applied to a plane to create an animation sequence that tracks with an augmented reality target.
Here is the script that is attached to the plane and controls the animation sequence.
#pragma strict
var tecture : Texture[];
var changeInterval : float = 0.06;
var isRunning = false;
var isLooping = false;
function Start () {
var isRunning = true;
function Update () {
if( isRunning == true) {
Animation ();
function Animation () {
var index : int = Time.time/changeInterval;
index = index % tecture.Length;
renderer.material.mainTexture = tecture[index];
if ( index == tecture.Length-1){
if( isLooping == false){
isRunning = false;
renderer.material.mainTexture = tecture[0];
Textures are assigned by drag-and-drop of PNG files in the editor and everything works fine if I limit the PNG count. As my texture count increases, however, I'm getting out of memory errors on Android.
I would like to load the PNG files as textures at run time to limit the number memory, but I'm having trouble getting the code working.
I've tried LoadImage.
var imageTextAsset : TextAsset = Resources.Load("test.png");
var tex = new Texture2D (4, 4);
renderer.material.mainTexture = tex;
I've also tried loading the image directly as a texture (since this seems to work with the editor).
renderer.material.mainTexture = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath"Assets/Images/test.png",Texture);
No luck with either. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
I was able to get this working thanks to the link provided by Xerosigma. I had an issue with paths (and I suspect with the Texture requirement on load).
Outside of loading the PNG textures, I also discovered that Unity does not do memory management on textures. To recover memory, textures need to be manually unloaded after use.
Textures are all placed in a "Resources" folder. The resources folder can be placed anywhere in the Assets hierarchy - I created several individual folders for each of my PNG sequences to organize them, then added a Resources folder within each to hold the actual PNGs.
Textures are assigned through the editor by specifying a texture count (ie. 100), a base name ("texture_" for instance), and zero padding.
#pragma strict
var imageCount : int = 0;
var imageNameBase : String = "";
var imageNameZeroPadding : int = 0;
var changeInterval : float = 0.06;
var isRunning = false;
var isLooping = false;
private var texture : Texture = null;
function PlayRocket () {
isRunning = true;
function Start () {
var isRunning = false;
var fileName : String = imageNameBase + ZeroPad(0,imageNameZeroPadding);
texture = Resources.Load(fileName);
function Update () {
if( isRunning == true) {
PNGAnimation ();
function PNGAnimation () {
var index : int = Time.time/changeInterval;
index = index % imageCount;
var fileName : String = imageNameBase + ZeroPad(index,imageNameZeroPadding);
texture = Resources.Load(fileName);
renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;
if ( index == imageCount-1){
Debug.Log("End of Animation");
Debug.LogWarning("End of Animation");
if( isLooping == false){
isRunning = false;
fileName = imageNameBase + ZeroPad(0,imageNameZeroPadding);
texture = Resources.Load(fileName);
renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;
function ZeroPad(number : int, size : int) {
var numberString : String = number.ToString();
while (numberString.Length < size) numberString = "0" + numberString;
return numberString;
In C#:
// Load all textures into an array
Object[] textures = Resources.LoadAll("Textures", typeof(Texture2D));
// Load a single texture
Texture2D texture = Resources.Load("Texture") as Texture2D;
renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;
Hope it helps. You should be able to convert it into JS no problem. Just look at the Unity documentation.