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Intuit Anywhere Development versus Production Authentication/Authorization

I am successfully using OpenID and OAuth in development mode. Once I am ready to move to Production will the process change in a way that the authentication/authorization process will not require manual intervention? Today I click on the "signin" button to authenticate using OpenID. I then click on the "Authorize Quickbooks" button to authorize using OAuth. During these two processes I am redirected to Intuit where I click on buttons to allow authentication/authorization. Will I be able to achieve this process through code? I am working on a SaaS application and need to authenticate/authorize in code because the manual steps will not work with the application I am working on.


  • Do the free trial on a couple of the apps in the app center to see what they are doing. I tried out eBillity, their app picks up OpenID and OAuth without user interaction during the subscription process.

    Based on that, yes, I think you can achieve it all in code. Personally I have not been able to get the OAuth tokens without user intervention.

    Update: Use this JS method to do the OAuth authorization during the subscription process: