Is it possible to add multiple commands using karate.fork()? I tried adding the commands using ; or && separation but the second command doesn't seem to be getting executed.
I am trying to cd to a particular directory before executing bash on a shell script.
* def command =
function(line) {
var proc = karate.fork({ redirectErrorStream: false, useShell: true, line: line });
karate.set('sysOut', proc.sysOut);
karate.set('sysErr', proc.sysErr);
karate.set('exitCode', proc.exitCode);
* call command('cd ../testDirectory ; bash')
Note that instead of line
- args
as an array of command line arguments is supported, so try that as well - e.g. something like:
karate.fork({ args: ['cd', 'foo;', 'bash', ''] })
But yes this may need some investigation. You can always try to have all the commands in a single batch file which should work.
Would be good if you can try the 1.0 RC since some improvements may have been added: