Does Intuit provide a payment gateway (similar to Stripe or Square) serviced by APIs which I can use to receive payments on my website (built with PHP)? Please note that I specifically want to use it to receive ACH payments ONLY. I will be using Stripe for the credit card transactions.
If such functionality exists then please provide a link to it's documentation or instruction how it might be accomplished. Thanks!
$name = 'Jane Doe';
$number = '856666';
$routing = '072403004';
$type = QuickBooks_Payments_BankAccount::TYPE_PERSONAL_CHECKING;
$phone = '860-634-1234';
$amount = 50;
$currency = 'USD';
$Payments = new QuickBooks_Payments($oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret, $sandbox);
$BankAccount = new QuickBooks_Payments_BankAccount($name, $number, $routing, $type, $phone);
if ($Transaction = $Payments->debit($Context, $BankAccount, $amount, $currency))
print('Error while debiting a bank account: ' . $Payments->lastError());