i´m a bit confused about using optional parameters and phpdocs. I got the following @url statement:
@url GET /pruefvorschrift/:typs
now want to set :typs as optional so i do
function getpruefvorschrift ($typs=null) {...
this isn´t working, value for :typs is never available in $typs. If i change the above @ url rout to use other word e.g. :id it works?
I don´t understand it could anyone help?
For completeness: I have many functions in this file
get /device.json/{id}
get /device/pruefvorschrift/:typs.json
get /device/serial.json/{serial}
get /device/:id/merkmale.json
Hope one could help,
thx Inge
The parameter name is not the problem here!
Using optional parameter as part of the URL is strongly discouraged
By setting a default value for $typs you are making it optional
Which means we need to create two routes for the same api method
GET /device/pruefvorschrift/{typs}
GET /device/pruefvorschrift
By default restler 3 does not do it, where as restler 2 does it by default
You can add the following to the phpdoc comment to change that behaviour
* @smart-auto-routing false
function getpruefvorschrift ($typs=null) {
But keep in mind this may stand in the way of another route, read further at http://restler3.luracast.com/examples/_006_routing/readme.html and https://github.com/Luracast/Restler/issues/10