I don't understand why this code doesn't work for me
var rest = require('restler');
var getResp = function(url){
var resp ="";
resp = response.toString();
return resp;
I am not getting the response for getResp('google.com')
Am I missing something with restler?
Being that you're returning resp
it looks like you've forgotten that the request is asynchronous. Instead try out this:
var rest = require('restler');
var getResp = function(url){
rest.get(url).on('complete', function(response){
// output:
// <!doctype html><html itemscope="itemscope" ....
Because of its asynchronous nature it's preferred that you pass the value to a receiving callback. Take this small example:
var rest = require('restler');
// process an array of URLs
'http://facebook.com/'].forEach(function(item) {
function getResp(url){
rest.get(url).on('complete', function(response){
// data will be a Buffer
function processResponse(data) {
// converting Buffers to strings is expensive, so I prefer
// to do it explicitely when required
var str = data.toString();
Once the data comes in you'll be able to pass it around like any other variable.