Is there currently any means of capturing an incoming request and response, and logging that? I see that there are 'preCall' and 'postCall' methods, however, some of my API methods are not strictly named by HTTP verbs.
For example, in my 'Players' class, I have 'get' method which returns one player for a given player_id, and 'getPlayers' which returns all players.
There sure is!
Here is some code that I pieced together from some other SO questions:
$r->onComplete(function () use ($r) {
// Don't log Luracast Restler Explorer recources calls
if ( ! preg_match('/resources/', $r->url)) {
$success = $r->responseCode == 200;
$request = $r->getRequestData();
$info = array(
'base' => $r->getBaseUrl(),
'method' => $r->requestMethod,
'url' => $r->url,
'api_key' => NULL,
'route' => $r->apiMethodInfo->className.'::'.$r->apiMethodInfo->methodName,
'data' => $request['request_data'],
'ip' => User::getIpAddress(),
'referer' => (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']: ''),
'http_status_code' => $r->responseCode,
'response' => $success ? '' : $r->exception->getErrorMessage()
print_r($info); // replace with your logging function here