I have a directory structure like so:
I'm trying to loop each directory in Phing, and subsequently minify each file into a single hashed filename within each directory using the YUI compressor. The result would look something like this:
I therefore need to know each directory that I'm within so I can output my minified scripts to it.
These are my two targets:
<target name="minify">
<echo msg="Minifying CSS and JS files with YUI at ${yuicompressor}" />
<foreach param="filename" absparam="absfilename" target="runyui">
<fileset dir="${publicdir}/css">
<include name="*.css" />
<include name="**/*.css" />
<target name="runyui">
<filehash file="${abspathtopwd}" hashtype="MD5" propertyname="filehash" />
<echo msg="java -jar ${yuicompressor} -v --line-break 5000 --type css ${absfilename} >> ${abspathtopwd}/${filehash}.min.css" />
<exec command="java -jar ${yuicompressor} -v --line-break 5000 --type css ${absfilename} >> ${abspathtopwd}/${filehash}.min.css" />
How can I get the current working directory (or pwd if you prefer) in the current foreach iteration with Phing? All I can see I have access to is the relative and absolute paths to the files themselves.
Note: I'm aware that this current solution would create a new file for each input file, but that's what I'm aiming to fix with abspathtopwd.
For anyone interested in this problem, check out this post, which led me to:
<foreach param="dir" absparam="absdir" target="minify.directory">
<fileset dir="${publicdir}/css">
<type type="dir" />
<depth max="0" min="0" />
This allows me to specify a directory constraint when iterating, thus passing through the relative and absolute directory name as opposed to the filename.