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Phing and PHPUnit, just cant get even the most basic thing running

Using a composer-installed bin

I'm running a most basic task as follows:

<autoloader autoloaderpath="vendor/autoload.php">

<target name="asdf">
        <echo msg="test"/>
        <phpunit configuration="app/phpunit.xml"

Now simply running this task:

phing -debug asdf

Will result in:

  +Task: echo
    -calling setter EchoTask::setMsg()
     [echo] qwerqwer
  +Task: phpunit
    -calling setter PHPUnitTask::setConfiguration()
    -calling setter PHPUnitTask::setHaltonerror()
    -calling setter PHPUnitTask::setHaltonfailure()
    -calling setter PHPUnitTask::setPharLocation()
#!/usr/bin/env php
Cannot open file "asdf.php".

Using a .phar

Using the same configuration except pharlocation:

  +Task: echo
    -calling setter EchoTask::setMsg()
     [echo] test
  +Task: phpunit
    -calling setter PHPUnitTask::setConfiguration()
    -calling setter PHPUnitTask::setHaltonerror()
    -calling setter PHPUnitTask::setHaltonfailure()


No errors, but the phpunit tasktype doesnt start.

Unrecognized option

Had a third simple variant that seemed fine, which resulted in 'phpunit: unrecognized option -- p' that i sadly cant reproduce..


  • PU 5.7
  • Phing 2.16
  • PHP 7.1


  • I see you used PHPUnit 5.7. Did you use namespaces in your tests?

    The current version of Phing is not compatible with namespaces like PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase, you have to use the old class \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase instead.

    The next Phing's release is going to be compatible with PHPUnit's namespaces ( Meanwhile you can create phpunit.xml and add this to build.xml to run your tests:

    <target name="phpunit" description="Run tests">
        <exec executable="bin/phpunit" passthru="true">
            <arg value="--configuration"/>
            <arg value="app/phpunit.xml"/>